Thursday, January 3, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside!

My goodness the weather is bone-chillin' today. The type of day that rips right through the middle of you. Heaven forbid you forget to take gloves or a coat with you! Shiver me timbers. But hey, after all, it is January and we're supposed to be a little cold, right? But what did I hear on the 6 o'clock news tonight other than it's supposed to be back in the mid-60's next week. It is no wonder that everyone and their uncle is sick with something. I just want to take a big can of Lysol and spray everyone I meet or run into. Including pets and especially small children. They are little germ factories!

A quick update on the pond leak. We tried the "find the leak with milk" trick but that didn't work. So we basically drained it down to nothing, cleaned it out a bit and re-filled it to see what would happen. And don't you know it's now holding water? Going on a couple of weeks now - go figure! All we can guess is that some yard gunk clogged the hole/leak for now but that we've still got a problem on our hands. At least the fish are safe across the street for the winter. We have a net over the pond due to the massive amounts of leaves we get falling and hubby found a mourning dove under the net beating himself to death trying to figure out how to get back out. He was able to set him "free" and he said the little bird stopped and looked at him as if to say "thanks" before he flew off. Ain't nature great?


Diane Wetterlin said...

Bundle up - keep warm and it'll be over soon! Just be glad you're not in the TB ward we sometimes think we have at the Beach!! So far THIS YEAR no drunks in the loo!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry that the pond is woebegone. Hopefully the leak can be sorted out come warmer weather.