If you read this blog on any regular basis, you'll know that my neighbor across the street has a pond and he's housing my fish for the winter while we figure out the leak. Two doors down to my right, there is another small pond, about the size of mine. Ok, there's your background.
I took Schatze out for a "business" trip this afternoon and as we approached the "other" small pond, I heard this strange noise. Lifting off in flight from this pond was a Great Blue Heron. What a magnificent site! With a wing span of what is easily 6 feet, this lovely creature flew to another neighbors house and sat on the roof for a few minutes before taking flight again and leaving my sight. It happened so quick I didn't have time to run in and get my camera. As much as well hate to loose fish to these beautiful birds, they are a sight to be seen!
Love the picture - and how great that you were able to see one in flight!
Watch those tricky herons. They use their magestic looks to distract mere humans...then rob our fish ponds blind! That's happened to several yard pond people I know. Alas, you can't do much to stop the food chain from perpetuating itself.
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