Wednesday, January 2, 2008

We Made It

Yee Haw! We made it into the new year. Welcome 2008. I've been reading a lot of blog posts from friends of mine and special emails from friends and family about starting out new - making 2008 the very best we can. And you know what? That's exactly what we should do! The only obstacle in our way is fear. What is that famous saying "we have nothing to fear but fear itself." No one ever told us it would be easy every day. So I say suck it up and do what your heart tells you to do this year. Loose weight, join the Y, call your Mom everyday, see your best friend once a month. Whatever that inner voice is saying to you - go for it! No one is keeping score - but you!

On a different note - it's absolutely freezing outside right now. We actually had some flurries today. Brrr....the new year has come in like a battering ram. I promise in the new year to add more posts and pics about the pond (still trying to figure out the leak), the pets (still crazy as always) and family (well - I won't say anymore right now).

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