Saturday, December 1, 2007

December Already?

Where has this year gone? Wow, I can't believe it's December already. It's true what my parents said a long time ago - the older you get, the faster time goes by. So make the most of every minute! Now I guess I have to get out there in this busy cruel world and do some shopping. Maybe I can do most of it during the week to avoid the weekend warriors at the mall. Yeh, right - wishful thinking.

I took the picture on the right of a hosta in my backyard because the color was just so beautiful. I have this hosta in a big flower pot on my lower deck and love the large leaves and how big and bold it is each year.

We still haven't figured out the pond issue. Since we put too much milk in it last time, we decided to drain it completely - which we did last night. Then we'll let it dry out so we can remove all the leaves, etc., then we'll refill it and start over. My neighbor says the fish are doing just fine in his pond so some of the pressure is off. But I'd like to get it up and running again before it gets too terribly cold outside. And having the waterfall running keeps the water from freezing on top of just sounding nice when you walk out back.

Schatze and Zippy have been on good behavior. We got new carpet in the den yesterday and with no furniture in the room, Zip was a tad concerned as to what was going on. After all, we moved HIS sofa! He's getting a new sofa today (and love seat, and tables, etc) so he should be a happy camper. Schatze is holding her own but starting to have strange episodes in the middle of the night where she'll just jump up and run back and forth down the hallway - which you can't avoid hearing due to her nails on the wood floor - clickity clickity click. I think she has demons or hears an orchestra in her head. They say animals can get dementia just like humans so I wonder....

OK...I should get up from here and get something done while I'm waiting on the delivery guys. Have a good weekend - I'm sure I'll post some new things on Monday with our Learning 2.0 program. This coming week we talk wikis.

1 comment:

Diane Wetterlin said...

I need to do shopping too but how I hate it! I hope all goes well with all your new furniture and carpets - that would be wonderful! I'm sure Zippy will adapt very well!