Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A New Year Approaches

It's December 26th, the presents have all been opened (and maybe put away?) and all we're left with is another plate of turkey, ham and pie to eat. Oh's a rough job, but someone's got to do it! Hope you had a safe and happy Christmas. Now get to work on that list of New Year's Resolutions!

I'm playing catch up at work with Learning 2.0 and the latest "thing" I've finished is #19 wherein we were to visit a site selected from the Web 2.0 Award List, do a little discovery exercise - explore the site and post our thoughts. I chose to visit Flickr, one of the photo warehouses on the web. At first I was a bit skeptical thinking, why can't I just email photos to someone or put them on this blog? Then I took the tour of Flickr and see where it can do a whole lot more than just send photos to people. I would consider Flickr to be a personal catalog, if you will, of photos you can share with anyone (or everyone) you choose. You can select who has permission to view your stuff - pretty much like My Space and you can add friends too - pretty much like My Space. It looks like it is user friendly and has a lot of options - so I might give it a try. It would be a good way to share photos with my Dad on the west coast and my friends all over the country.

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