Saturday, November 24, 2007

Turkey Time Out

It's been a whirlwind of a couple of days with the huge feast, family coming over and friends visiting from out of town. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with plenty of food and most of all, we enjoyed the family spirit throughout the entire day. And all turkey fryer disasters were averted! Whew.

All of the fish have survived so far in my neighbor's pond. We are still trouble shooting the leak but hope to have in pin-pointed sometime this week. It would be nice to have another couple of warmer days to complete the work. But we'll work with Mother Nature and do what we can. I think the fish will stay across the street until spring so we don't traumatize them any further.

Well, now that the big turkey day is behind us, I suppose it's time to focus on the next upcoming holiday, Christmas. Seems we barely have time to recover from one before we go to the next. But it keeps us on our toes. I'm not a Black Friday shopping kind of person, I preferred to stay in the comfort of my den with a hot cup of coffee, the fire place and a couple of old movies.

I'm anxious to see what the next Library Learning 2.0 program is this coming week. I'll be sure to post our latest learning exercise and all the other fun stuff that goes along with it.

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