Friday, May 30, 2008

Babies in the Yard

What a beautiful night to end the week - asbolutely great weather to sit outside on the deck, feed the Blue Jays peanuts and the Robins grapes. While sitting and enjoying the cool temps on the deck with Schatze and Zip, I look over and walking along the rocks is this baby possum. Actually, I guess they call them opposum. I took Schatze in so she wouldn't go after it - that is , if she could see the thing! I then approached it to see if it was sick or something and it looked fine - just scared to death with this huge human monster hovering over it. So I followed it into the corner where the ivy is and took this picture. Cute little thing, isn't it? Then I scared the poor thing even more and it "froze" in place. So I left it and came back later. When I finally caught up with it a tad later - it was making its way toward my shed. Lo' and behold - it disappeared under the shed. They had chewed a hole in the chicken wire we have around the bottom. We don't know if momma is around, if this little guy was left behind - or what. But this isn't the first time they've moved in under the shed so we'll have to make sure they're gone and re-do the wire fencing.

Fish are doing well - as soon as they get big enough (and start coming to the surface) to take a pic of, I'll be sure to post. I found out tonight that they're hanging out underneath the box holding the pump. I guess there is just enough room for them to get under that box since they are still rather small. But the water is clearing and things are looking better. Keep your fingers crossed.

Happy Weekend to All!


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Quick Post

What a wonderful holiday weekend it was....for once, I did nothing except absolutely relax. I did no housework, no chores, no laundry, nada - zilch - zero! And it felt good. I spent all 3 mornings at the beach with my bocce ball group at Sandbridge. The wind was a challenge for 2 days but other than that, very nice weather and an overall great weekend. We did put up flags around our "post" at the beach in honor of those who have served and sacrificed.

This weekend I will spend Saturday with Mom. We're going to MacArthur Center for lunch and a little retail therapy. With her being on oxygen, I don't know how long she'll last, but at least we'll give it the ol' college try.

New fish are fine - no floaters. But they aren't coming up to eat - they haven't quite caught on to the routine yet. When they get hungry enough, they'll surface. I can see them in the bottom. And my lily is sprouting - signs of improvement and progress. As soon as there is something to really photograph, I'll post a pic or two.

Well, I said I'd keep it short. Gonna call it a night and I'll try to post over the weekend.


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Memorial Day

I just realized that I have put a post up for almost a week - geesh! Where does all my time go? Am I really THAT busy? Hard to say sometimes. I do know I come home tired each night and wait for it to get dark so I can go to bed. Silly rule, huh? My sister-in-law coined that phrase years ago - as long as it's dark outside, you can go to bed!

My favorite show had its season finale this week and what a trip! I just hate when they leave so many cliffhangers - come on, it's just not fair! They left us with a dead director of the unit and Gibbs with an entire new crew. And we don't like the new director - Leon. I agree with my friend - he has to go! And we can always hope that they do get rid of Leon and put Gibbs in charge of the unit. Now that would be fun! They didn't tell us what happened to Abby, so I assume she's still with us for next season.

My other favorite show did the same thing with the cliffhangers - but then again, if they didn't do that, how would they get you to come back in the fall? ER had it's season finale last week but unlike NCIS, we don't know which staff member bit the dust in the ambulance. September seems so very far away.

It's a holiday weekend and we're supposed to have wonderful weather! Might even go get my toes wet at Sandbridge on Monday - that will be the warmest day of the three.

Remember the reason for our holiday (that treasured day of sleeping in) and shake the hand of a serviceman when you see them and tell them Thanks!

Happy Memorial Day.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Made it to yet another sweet! And we are finally supposed to have a nice weather weekend...sunny and in the 70s - perfect for all that yard work that still needs to be done. And I finally bought some flowers/plants for the deck and will get those re-potted. I feel so far behind the 8 ball with my yard/deck this year. Life just keeps getting in the way!

I took Mom back home tonight - I think she was ready to get back in her own bed. I'm still a tad concerned about her little dizzy spells but she promises me she won't drive for a while. I can live with that. And she promises to take her meds, use her oxygen, eat right, etc. Just to appease me? Actually, I think she wants to do the right thing and get better. She tried really hard while she was here to help out and go with the flow - and she did a great job of it too! She was able to keep the Zip in line with going outside, etc., during the day - so she gets a gold star.

It's been a long week and I'm looking forward to a relaxing (sorta) weekend yet getting some things done around the homestead. Little things like sweeping up the dust bunnies in every corner and getting my flowers re-potted! And my neighbor is going to help me get some of my fish back in the pond - that will be a relief. I need to get them back in to get the whole ecological system built back up. I have some plants in the pond but I need the fishes to really get it back on track.

Happy Weekend - Enjoy the Weather and Enjoy Your Loved Ones.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Let's Go Racin' Boys!

Saturday night racing with Nascar! Tonight the boys are in Darlington, SC to see how many will leave with a dented fender or a completely broken car. Darlington is famous for the "Darlington Stripe" wherein a car gets a stripe of black down the right side from the driving scraping the wall. We just hit halfway and I think it's going to be a long night.

Today was spent doing Mom's yard - I rotate the duty with my two brothers. Mom went over with us to get out of the house for a little while. She seems to be doing better but then again, I'm not always so sure. She seems a little confused on taking her meds and is still unstable on her feet. She wants to go home tomorrow, but I'm not convinced yet. She hasn't quite gotten into the habit of using the oxygen and I have to keep reminding her - that and taking her meds.

I'd like to take this opportunity to wish my Mom and all of my "mom" friends out there a very happy, safe and loving Mother's Day.

Hugs to all.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hump Day

We made it to Wednesday. It's been a busy week carting myself back and forth to the hospital for Mom, but, if all goes well this morning, I'll be bringing her home today. She's had about every pulmonary test you can have, ultrasounds, etc., so I don't think they can do anything else. Now we wait for results and the plan of attack.

Thanks to all of my friends for your kind words and support.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Another Tiring Saturday

Today was spent in the yard - again. I guess that's really the norm for us "weekend warriors" who only really have Saturday/Sunday to get all of that yard maintenance done. Today I worked on the bed next to the driveway. I transplanted some pachysandra I got from a neighbor. Then I scrubbed the swing with bleach water to get all of the mildew off of it (in prep for the Mother's Day Cookout next weekend). Then we finished (whoo hoo!) the waterfall by packing the dirt around the waterfall, putting the fern back in place and filling in all round it with rock. Hubby did a great job with the waterfall rocks and the flow of the water is just fabulous! I think we're done (I hope we're done!). Tomorrow (weather permitting) I'm going to pump a little bit of the water out and get some of my neighbors "good" water so the ecosystem can get a jump start and maybe I'll get fish in there before the end of the month. I'll get a pic of the waterfall up soon.

After all of that, we visited Mom in the hospital. Long story short, I took her to the ER on Thursday and she was admitted with what turned out to be congestive heart failure. Her ankles looked like big ol' sausages! They immediately put her on a powerful diuretic and an IV. She is doing better but they are still concerned about the fluid in her lungs. She saw a pulmonary specialist today who wants to run a scope into her lungs to see what else might be going on. But I'm waiting to talk to my aunt (who is a nurse) and the doc himself to see if it's really necessary.
All things said, she looks better, sounds better, is eating and hopefully we can get her home on Monday. She will probably come home with us for a few days to get her back on her feet.

We are supposed to get rain late/overnight and into the majority of the morning. If you know me at all, you know how I love rainy Sundays. It would be really nice to chill in the morning, enjoy that cup of joe, really read the newspaper front to end and get caught up on some shows we've put on the DVR....let's see if mother nature cooperates with my ideas!

As I write, I'm watching the Nascar race. My kid brother is in Richmond for the event and I don't envy him at all. My favorite spot for any race is now on my sofa! No crowds, no unruly drunks, no traffic driving home. Gosh, I sound old.

Been a long day. I'm going to crawl up into bed and see how much of the race I can watch. It's 9:36 and they are just half-way through the race. Oh - they just red flagged the race due to a major wreck. Looks like a long night for the racing boys.
