My niece is getting married in just a few hours and I want to wish them much love and happiness for a long, long time. Happy Wedding!
I have just discovered Facebook....what a blast that has been. I'm finding "friends" from way back into high school days that I haven't talked to in years and years and years. It's fun catching up with everyone to see how we've all aged (sorry, but we have!), how we've grown and where our lives have taken us.
The fish continue to thrive...but they are still very skittish when it comes to anyone (or anything such as the cat - his new and personal water bowl!) getting near the pond. They run for cover when I go out to feed them. And they've been acting up lately (if you know what I mean) so I'm sure the baby fishes will arrive in due time. I still need a few plants and maybe a few snails then it will be complete for the season except for routine maintenance. I got lucky this year with the pollen. Last year, there was so much pollen in the pond that I couldn't even see the bottom. This year, I started treating the pond before pollen season with a bacteria (the good kind!) and it's pretty much stayed clear. Note to self - do that again next year!
Almost forgot - we had a peacock - yes peacock - in the neighborhood on Thursday. He was on our garage for a while then decided to move to my neighbor's roof (in the picture). He hung around all afternoon and into the night when he decided to get up into a tree (via their chimney) and roost for the night. We haven't seen him since so hopefully he's found his way back to Hunt Club where we think he came from.
Well, I had better go get dressed for the nuptials.
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