Friday, September 26, 2008

Put Up Your Dukes - Let's Get Down To It!

And the debate rolls on....

Quite honestly, they are one hour into it and they loosing my interest - and I have my candidate chosen already. I say put 'em in a boxing ring (gloves optional) and really let them have at it! A good friend of mine tonight mentioned she is looking forward to the VP debate - if and when it happens. Hey, they still believe in Santa Claus, don't they? Easter Bunny? Tooth Fairy? How about $3 gas again? Yeh, right.

Is it November yet?

1 comment:

Diane Wetterlin said...

You mean there's no Santa?? OH NO - anyway the debate was good for a laugh and a grimace now and then - but basically annoying.

Over soon - just hope the results are the "right" ones!