Saturday, March 29, 2008

Weather Roller Coaster

The seasons can't make up their minds - yesterday the high was 78 - today I think we might have hit 50. It's enough to make you crack - but then again, it is Spring. Silly Season, if you will, why the climate gods try to work it all out.

Got up early and went to my Mom's to do the first cleaning of the year in her yard. Mom is in her early 70s and just can't quite do all that work anymore. Not that she doesn't want too...she will try to do anything herself first, and call in the troops when she can't. But the yard is another thing. The siblings and I have been rotating yard duty for a couple of years now. It was quite cold this morning but once you started moving - it wasn't too bad.

This afternoon I actually got back into the "art" room and picked up my paintbrushes which I haven't seen in quite a while. I used to paint ALL the time, but work, life and whatever just seem to get in the way. But I'm determined. And tonight I may get on the ol' pc and do some genealogy work.