The seasons can't make up their minds - yesterday the high was 78 - today I think we might have hit 50. It's enough to make you crack - but then again, it is Spring. Silly Season, if you will, why the climate gods try to work it all out.
Got up early and went to my Mom's to do the first cleaning of the year in her yard. Mom is in her early 70s and just can't quite do all that work anymore. Not that she doesn't want too...she will try to do anything herself first, and call in the troops when she can't. But the yard is another thing. The siblings and I have been rotating yard duty for a couple of years now. It was quite cold this morning but once you started moving - it wasn't too bad.
This afternoon I actually got back into the "art" room and picked up my paintbrushes which I haven't seen in quite a while. I used to paint ALL the time, but work, life and whatever just seem to get in the way. But I'm determined. And tonight I may get on the ol' pc and do some genealogy work.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I Jinxed It
Well, I had a feeling that I was bragging too soon about finding the leak. We still don't have a leak, but apparently the waterfall box has settled unevenly and we have a small spillway off to one side. It's an easy fix that we can do this weekend. Other than that, everything is fine and the water is clear as can be. That will all change soon with the pollen season upon us.
There was a Robin at the pond edge today on a flat rock that is just barely in the water and she was having a grand time splashing around taking her afternoon bath. I miss that activity and glad to see the songbirds have found the water again. It's quite entertaining to watch them - just ask Zippy!
There was a Robin at the pond edge today on a flat rock that is just barely in the water and she was having a grand time splashing around taking her afternoon bath. I miss that activity and glad to see the songbirds have found the water again. It's quite entertaining to watch them - just ask Zippy!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
E U R E K A !
We found the leak today! We started at noon. Drained the pond to just a couple of inches in the deep end. There was something slivering around in the muck and we found out it was a bullfrog who has made himself at home over the winter. We had decided that since the waterfalls were turned off and the pond was holding water that the leak had to be in the waterfalls themselves or the hoses running to it. So that was our first point of attack.
I found the beginning of the hose where it comes out of the pond and started digging it out of the berm we had buried it under. Hubby decided that using a hand trowel was too time consuming and got a shovel out. We came to find out that the small pine tree growing next to (and hanging over - it looks like a huge Bonsai tree!) the pond had grown so much that the trunk was pinching off the hose (which ran underneath the trunk) and caused a crack! WHOO HOO! We found it!
Now we had to dig the rest of it out so we could get the waterfall box out and replace the hose. What a chore. I forgot how heavy some of the rocks and slate pieces were - my back is really talking to me right now! We got the waterfall box out, cleaned all of the frog eggs from the sidewalls, cleaned the leaves and pine needles out the bottom, I ran to Animal Jungle and got new hose, we reconnected the waterfall box, rebuilt the waterfall (with the help of a neighbor who has a real knack for that kind of thing), refilled the pond, found the frog in the flower bed and put him back in the pond, turned the pump on, and WOW - everything worked. We just had no idea when we started at noon that it would take until 7pm to get it all done! Hot showers and pain medicine were definitely next on our list. Oh, and maybe some food!
We'll know more in the morning if we were successful - if so, I'll take some new pics and put upload them. It will be a couple of weeks (or longer) before I even attempt to put fish back in there. The whole ecological system has to rebuild itself. But my neighbor is willing to help by letting me have some of his pond water which is already steady. I'll keep you posted on our progress and when new fishes arrive.
Whew...what a Saturday. I'm ready to call it a day. I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, safe Easter. I hear a pillow and a pain pill calling me.....Ciao!
I found the beginning of the hose where it comes out of the pond and started digging it out of the berm we had buried it under. Hubby decided that using a hand trowel was too time consuming and got a shovel out. We came to find out that the small pine tree growing next to (and hanging over - it looks like a huge Bonsai tree!) the pond had grown so much that the trunk was pinching off the hose (which ran underneath the trunk) and caused a crack! WHOO HOO! We found it!
Now we had to dig the rest of it out so we could get the waterfall box out and replace the hose. What a chore. I forgot how heavy some of the rocks and slate pieces were - my back is really talking to me right now! We got the waterfall box out, cleaned all of the frog eggs from the sidewalls, cleaned the leaves and pine needles out the bottom, I ran to Animal Jungle and got new hose, we reconnected the waterfall box, rebuilt the waterfall (with the help of a neighbor who has a real knack for that kind of thing), refilled the pond, found the frog in the flower bed and put him back in the pond, turned the pump on, and WOW - everything worked. We just had no idea when we started at noon that it would take until 7pm to get it all done! Hot showers and pain medicine were definitely next on our list. Oh, and maybe some food!
We'll know more in the morning if we were successful - if so, I'll take some new pics and put upload them. It will be a couple of weeks (or longer) before I even attempt to put fish back in there. The whole ecological system has to rebuild itself. But my neighbor is willing to help by letting me have some of his pond water which is already steady. I'll keep you posted on our progress and when new fishes arrive.
Whew...what a Saturday. I'm ready to call it a day. I hope everyone has a wonderful, happy, safe Easter. I hear a pillow and a pain pill calling me.....Ciao!
Friday, March 21, 2008
For some reason, this has been an unusually long week at work. Each day seemed to never end and the workload doesn't get smaller or go away - somehow it just grows and grows. OK, I know, I'm whining and I probably need some cheese with that. And I'll take it gladly.
So - it's Friday night and finally a chance to unwind. Spousal unit and I decided to start on the pond tomorrow afternoon - weather permitting. We're going to drain the whole thing, disassemble the waterfall - which basically means disassembling the entire pond, research the leak, fix it, and fill 'r up again! I think we should go ahead and get everything done, let it run and get re-balanced from an ecological standpoint, and see what happens. I have to have fish for the spring and's oh so every relaxing to sit and watch them. But with the falls off for a couple of weeks now, it's just looking really ugly. And we need to take care of things before mosquito season starts so the water is constantly moving. I'm looking forward to a "spring cleaning" with the pond, getting all the gunk and leaves out and starting anew. I think there's a frog in the pond because sometimes when you walk by, the water ripples a little and I see SOMETHING is in there. Like the Lock Ness Monster...only smaller.
So spring is here - time for renewal and rebirth and mulch and mowing and ......oh god, I forgot how hard it is to be a homeowner over the winter. Time to get moving!
Happy Easter to All. Be safe - be happy and most of all, be with the ones you love and let them know it.
So - it's Friday night and finally a chance to unwind. Spousal unit and I decided to start on the pond tomorrow afternoon - weather permitting. We're going to drain the whole thing, disassemble the waterfall - which basically means disassembling the entire pond, research the leak, fix it, and fill 'r up again! I think we should go ahead and get everything done, let it run and get re-balanced from an ecological standpoint, and see what happens. I have to have fish for the spring and's oh so every relaxing to sit and watch them. But with the falls off for a couple of weeks now, it's just looking really ugly. And we need to take care of things before mosquito season starts so the water is constantly moving. I'm looking forward to a "spring cleaning" with the pond, getting all the gunk and leaves out and starting anew. I think there's a frog in the pond because sometimes when you walk by, the water ripples a little and I see SOMETHING is in there. Like the Lock Ness Monster...only smaller.
So spring is here - time for renewal and rebirth and mulch and mowing and ......oh god, I forgot how hard it is to be a homeowner over the winter. Time to get moving!
Happy Easter to All. Be safe - be happy and most of all, be with the ones you love and let them know it.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wednesday's Child
Is NOT full of woe! I just had a wonderful evening out with some friends of mine. We get together once a month come hell or high water. We went to the first watering hole that we started our little group at. We sat out on the patio and just had a very nice time. I just adore these women who have come into my life, enriched my life and made me understand what's really important in day to day life. It's not what you earn or what car you drive. It's how you look at life, how you look at yourself and how you deal with the hand you're given. And if any of you have half of the friends that I do - you'll go a long way. We shouldn't measure our life success by what we have, but rather by what we learn from those around us. And tonight, I learned that I have a very special group of friends who value my friendship and trust me, that goes both ways!
Monday, March 17, 2008
St. Patty's Day
The "storm event" Saturday night was a bust! Geesh - got all worked up for nothing. Just some rain. But we'll take it - we need it. All the flowers and trees are budding and getting ready to bust at the seams! I think Spring has arrived! Although you wouldn't know it by today's thermometer...brrr.....with a stiff wind. But relief is in sight.
As soon as the water warms up a bit, we're going to drain the pond and basically start over. We've determined that the leak is in the waterfall. We've had the falls turned off for a month or so now and viola! No Leak! That means disassembling the waterfall structure. Which basically means re-doing the whole pond. We'll get it done eventually - I miss my fish! And the birds are quite ready for the net to come off so they can get back in the "shallow end" and splash around for their afternoon baths. And the frogs will come back, and the dragonflies, and the squirrels - all of God's little creatures.
As soon as the water warms up a bit, we're going to drain the pond and basically start over. We've determined that the leak is in the waterfall. We've had the falls turned off for a month or so now and viola! No Leak! That means disassembling the waterfall structure. Which basically means re-doing the whole pond. We'll get it done eventually - I miss my fish! And the birds are quite ready for the net to come off so they can get back in the "shallow end" and splash around for their afternoon baths. And the frogs will come back, and the dragonflies, and the squirrels - all of God's little creatures.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Stormy Weather
As I write, yet another frontal boundary is fast approaching the Hampton Roads area. They are c
alling for strong storms, high winds and of course, a lot of rain. We still need the rain so I say bring it on! Although I can do without the earth-shattering lightning and thunder in the middle of the night. The type that wakes you up because your windows rattle. But, if we must endure a little unsettling to get the rain, I guess I'll have to learn to deal with it.
Today was another beautiful day. I, like a fool, had to go to the oceanfront to visit a store (its only location) and of course, got stuck in all of the Shamrock Marathon traffic. They had the main strip closed off (Atlantic Avenue) and traffic from Pacific back a few blocks was just awful. But again, I got through that. Got my goods and managed to make my other stops during the day and get home by 3pm. Got to see my Mom too! A bonus. I called her and stopped for a cup of coffee. 'Twas a good day.
Visited the new "Super Target" store a few blocks away. I have to say I was not impressed. I guess the "super" part is a small food section with mostly freezer cases and some "grab it on the way home stuff" like milk and eggs. But with Wal-Mart right next door, I would most likely stop in there for the convenience (I know where everything's at in the store) and the prices. Other than that, it was just another Target store. And now we get to enjoy yet even more traffic around the neighborhood. Hubby and I were talking the other day about how we felt so far away from everything when we moved here 15 years ago. Now it's like fighting traffic around a major shopping mall at Christimas - every weekend. Best get out and do what you have to do before noon and get home before it gets too crazy! We pride ourselves on our sanity so far.
I think I'm going to get in the art room for a little while and work on some of my "slumped" bottles. I miss my paint brushes!

Today was another beautiful day. I, like a fool, had to go to the oceanfront to visit a store (its only location) and of course, got stuck in all of the Shamrock Marathon traffic. They had the main strip closed off (Atlantic Avenue) and traffic from Pacific back a few blocks was just awful. But again, I got through that. Got my goods and managed to make my other stops during the day and get home by 3pm. Got to see my Mom too! A bonus. I called her and stopped for a cup of coffee. 'Twas a good day.
Visited the new "Super Target" store a few blocks away. I have to say I was not impressed. I guess the "super" part is a small food section with mostly freezer cases and some "grab it on the way home stuff" like milk and eggs. But with Wal-Mart right next door, I would most likely stop in there for the convenience (I know where everything's at in the store) and the prices. Other than that, it was just another Target store. And now we get to enjoy yet even more traffic around the neighborhood. Hubby and I were talking the other day about how we felt so far away from everything when we moved here 15 years ago. Now it's like fighting traffic around a major shopping mall at Christimas - every weekend. Best get out and do what you have to do before noon and get home before it gets too crazy! We pride ourselves on our sanity so far.
I think I'm going to get in the art room for a little while and work on some of my "slumped" bottles. I miss my paint brushes!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Spring Fever
Today was an absolutely wonderful day - I think we reached the upper 60's, had light winds, the sun was out, the Bradford Pears are blooming, daffodils are showing off - what's
not to like? Tomorrow is supposed to be a carbon copy of today - I wonder how many folks will call in sick (or well?) and play hooky for the day? I wish I could, but I have too much to do for a Friday. Oh well...there will be other days.

Saturday, March 8, 2008
...and the Blustery Day
This day reminds me a Winnie The Pooh story - what a wind event we're having today. We had a front move through (after a day or so of much needed rain) and the wind is just howling. It's almost spooky to be outside as if you're just waiting for a tree limb to snap and hit you in the head. Reminded me of a tropical storm in years past. Even Mr. Zip wouldn't stay out but for a few minutes at a time. He lived up to the term "scaredy cat" today.
And after a day or two of unseasonably warm weather - there's a definite chill in the air tonight. Supposed to go down into the 30's overnight - something we have seen for a while. This winter has certainly spoiled us. Makes me a little apprehensive about what the summer will bring.
I'm still fighting a cold and a sore throat but I'm near as bad off as my friend who just broke her wrist and is in a cast up to her shoulder. Sounds like no fun at all. My heart goes out to her.
Tomorrow is Sunday - the day of rest. And I think we'll do just that. Even with the head cold, I got up today and cleaned house, washed rugs - all that wonderful domestic goddess stuff. So I think I will rest tomorrow. A few friends are going out for brunch but I think that is going to be the extent of my effort for the day.
Think I'll take a hint from Mr. Zip and see how many "cat" naps I can get in tomorrow. After all, we loose a hour tonight with Daylight Savings Time.
And after a day or two of unseasonably warm weather - there's a definite chill in the air tonight. Supposed to go down into the 30's overnight - something we have seen for a while. This winter has certainly spoiled us. Makes me a little apprehensive about what the summer will bring.
I'm still fighting a cold and a sore throat but I'm near as bad off as my friend who just broke her wrist and is in a cast up to her shoulder. Sounds like no fun at all. My heart goes out to her.
Tomorrow is Sunday - the day of rest. And I think we'll do just that. Even with the head cold, I got up today and cleaned house, washed rugs - all that wonderful domestic goddess stuff. So I think I will rest tomorrow. A few friends are going out for brunch but I think that is going to be the extent of my effort for the day.

Saturday, March 1, 2008
How Time Flies
I can't believe it has been over a week since I posted to my blog. Can I possibly be that busy?
Actually, it has been a crazy week. My Mom was in the hospital ER on two different nights and they finally admitted her Wednesday with pneumonia and a 101.5 fever. Not good. They got the fever under control and ran all of the other standard lab tests and body scans and finally sent her home Friday. She's got quite a collection on antibiotics and inhalers to take now.
Work just seems to stay busy busy busy. There is absolutely no getting ahead anymore. Even if you do go in on Saturday for 3 or 4 hours. Just doesn't seem to put a dent in it. And it's not just me - anyone you talk to is up to their elbows in alligators. And the City, as of today, has implemented a hiring freeze so any vacant positions won't be filled for 6 months. That could hurt a lot of folks. Luckily, my co-worker and I had already filled one vacant position and she interview this week for the other one. We'll be ok for now, I guess. We have no other choice.
It's already March - can you believe that? I really don't know what happens with my time. Month after month just keeps tickin' off faster and faster. Time is just flying! But I'm ready for a tad warmer weather (spring would be fine - I don't want to go from 35 outside to hazy, hot and humid overnight!) so we can get back in the yard and start cleaning and sprucing up. We have our entire front yard to re-do since we graded it last fall. Had to take a tree down and the yard was actually two levels with a 3-4 high layer of landscape timbers separating them. So, when the damaged tree came down, we graded the whole thing. Now it is a nice, big, flat, green canvas to do something with. Better get my design books out!
Daffodils are in bloom and the Robins are getting active so I guess spring isn't that far behind.
Happy March everyone.
Actually, it has been a crazy week. My Mom was in the hospital ER on two different nights and they finally admitted her Wednesday with pneumonia and a 101.5 fever. Not good. They got the fever under control and ran all of the other standard lab tests and body scans and finally sent her home Friday. She's got quite a collection on antibiotics and inhalers to take now.
Work just seems to stay busy busy busy. There is absolutely no getting ahead anymore. Even if you do go in on Saturday for 3 or 4 hours. Just doesn't seem to put a dent in it. And it's not just me - anyone you talk to is up to their elbows in alligators. And the City, as of today, has implemented a hiring freeze so any vacant positions won't be filled for 6 months. That could hurt a lot of folks. Luckily, my co-worker and I had already filled one vacant position and she interview this week for the other one. We'll be ok for now, I guess. We have no other choice.
It's already March - can you believe that? I really don't know what happens with my time. Month after month just keeps tickin' off faster and faster. Time is just flying! But I'm ready for a tad warmer weather (spring would be fine - I don't want to go from 35 outside to hazy, hot and humid overnight!) so we can get back in the yard and start cleaning and sprucing up. We have our entire front yard to re-do since we graded it last fall. Had to take a tree down and the yard was actually two levels with a 3-4 high layer of landscape timbers separating them. So, when the damaged tree came down, we graded the whole thing. Now it is a nice, big, flat, green canvas to do something with. Better get my design books out!
Daffodils are in bloom and the Robins are getting active so I guess spring isn't that far behind.
Happy March everyone.
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