Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Now What?

The Super Bowl is over, Super Tuesday is over and the ground hog saw his shadow. Whatever will we do for the next six weeks of winter? Although, if the weather is like it is now (we hit what, 75 today?) I don't think we'll have anything to worry about. I've seen daffodils peaking through the dirt and the birds are out in full force in the mornings...no one seems to know what season it is. The flowers will get out and bloom and we'll have an ice storm and it will kill them and anything else budding/blooming that thinks it Spring already. Poor little songbirds won't know what to do.

It's decided - I'm going to paint the bedroom on Saturday. Mr. Wonderful has agreed to help me move furniture out of the room Friday and I'll get it taped off and ready to roll - literally! Should only take a couple of hours as long as the dog and cat don't decide to help. I'll be sure to keep everyone posted on the progress. Before and after pics? We'll see.

Hey - it's Tuesday night. That can only mean one thing - NCIS!



Diane Wetterlin said...

Darn the writer's strike - I want NEW NCIS!! Good luck on the painting - when did you say I should have my room ready??!! I'm thinking a nice green! [grin]

ddt said...

Don't let the Zipster get stuck to the newly painted wall!