I've gotten so wrapped up in Facebook over the past couple of months that I almost forgot how to blog!
The past couple of months have been eventful...Dad and Barb came to visit. The photos in the gadget to the right are pics he took at the Sandcastle Classic at the Neptune Festival this year. Great time - good weather - entirely too many people.
Oh, and this little thing called my 50th Birthday kinda of got in the way.
We took a trip while Dad was here to Hobbsville, North Carolina. I know - you wish you could have come along. Maybe next time. My older sibling moved to Hobbsville in the early fall with his wife and the 2 dogs. Lot of open fields and cotton down there.
Life at work has been trying with preparation of a two year budget that doesn't start until next July...and having to implement major cuts. The city is looking at a huge deficit this year and I think everyone will feel the pain somehow. And I'm busy with trying to implement a new inventory automation project. Very time consuming. But we'll get through.
The pond has survived. The final four are happy the net is finally over them. Not for protection to them, but to keep the leaves out for me! We got the net on just before that November Nor'easter hit...what a trip that was! It was right up there with TS Bonnie (1997) as far as winds and fear factor. I have since then gone out and bought golashes. Best $20 I've spent all year. I'm ready for the next one!
Zippy is fine and as entertaining as always. Some things just don't change. Like missing my little girl Schatze. We think of her often.
Tomorrow is a few errands then into the kitchen I go to prep for Thursday. The annual day of eating entirely too much food and wondering why we all feel so tired and sleepy. Like I said, some things never change.