Boy oh boy the dog days of summer. We've had thunderstorms the past couple of afternoons

Zippy gets his routine grooming tomorrow evening - trim, nails, and bath. I guess I should start having his teeth cleaned but I just can't put the lady through that. Sounds like something you'd come out of with a lot of new scratch/bite marks. At least my little angel doesn't weigh 44 pounds like that porker cat on the news tonight. I think they said someone just let him go and someone else picked him up as a stray. 44 pounds? Geesh - what are they feeding that poor thing?
Schatze is still hanging in there. Her hearing is almost non-existent as is her eyesight. But she still prances around the yard every now and then. But she has gotten to where she doesn't want to go in and out of the house via the garage. Only the front door. I think the steps are steeper in the garage and my truck is usually in the way too. The front steps are wider and she has a good landing at the top to get her footing. Whatever it takes to keep her happy in what I feel are her final, golden days.
The pond is doing well. Last weekend I dug up some old hostas that were beyond repair (they've been in the bed for 10 years or so and have repeatedly been divided, etc.) and on a whim, I grabbed a handful, hosed off the root ball and stuck it in a pot with some kitty litter and rocks and plunked it in the shallow end of the pond. Don't you know that thing is doing just fine? I was rather surprised as I didn't know if it would survive in the water or not. Makes me think I should have done that a long time ago. Maybe next spring I'll put some new, fresh ones in and see how they do. Fish are fine and growing. They're getting more used to me when I go to the edge to feed them. They're finally learning that I'm their food chain! They are just too quick right now to try and get pictures...maybe over the winter when they hibernate.
Friday Eve - I think we should celebrate.