What a beautiful night to end the week - asbolutely great weather to sit outside on the deck, feed the Blue Jays peanuts and the Robins grapes. While sitting and enjoying the cool temps on the deck with Schatze and Zip, I look over and walking along the rocks is this baby possum. Actually, I guess they call them opposum. I took Schatze in so she wouldn't go after it - that is , if she could see the thing! I then approached it to see if it was sick or something and it looked fine - just scared to death with this huge human monster hovering over it. So I followed it into the corner where the ivy is and took this picture. Cute little thing, isn't it? Then I scared the poor thing even more and it "froze" in place. So I left it and came back later. When I finally caught up with it a tad later - it was making its way toward my shed. Lo' and behold - it disappeared under the shed. They had chewed a hole in the chicken wire we have around the bottom. We don't know if momma is around, if this little guy was left behind - or what. But this isn't the first time they've moved in under the shed so we'll have to make sure they're gone and re-do the wire fencing.
Fish are doing well - as soon as they get big enough (and start coming to the surface) to take a pic of, I'll be sure to post. I found out tonight that they're hanging out underneath the box holding the pump. I guess there is just enough room for them to get under that box since they are still rather small. But the water is clearing and things are looking better. Keep your fingers crossed.
Happy Weekend to All!